2024-25招生流程| M.S. 医师助理研究

Admission to the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 医师助理研究理学硕士 Program requires a baccalaureate degree, satisfactory completion of prerequisite coursework and direct patient care experience. The program considers all qualified applicants without discrimination regardless of race, color, 信条, 性别, 年龄, 性取向, 婚姻状况, 国家或民族出身, or handicap that does not interfere with the performance of professional physician assistant practice as provided by law.

博天堂官方入口登陆登录 utilizes the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA) to collect admission materials, which will be forwarded to the university.


  • Prerequisite courses successfully completed as pass/fail (without letter grades) will be accepted.
Interested in the 医师助理研究理学硕士 Program?


  • 四月下旬CASPA开业
  • October 1: Application Deadline; all required application materials including a verified CASPA application are due
  • 9月至12月:进行虚拟面试
  • 9月:面试结束,offer就开始了

It is expected that seats will remain available throughout the interview timeline. 有32个可用.


Completion of all prerequisite courses with a C or better is required prior to matriculation. Courses in kinesiology, exercise science or nutrition will not satisfy prerequisite coursework. It is advised that no more than two prerequisite course be pending at the time of application.
  • 一学期解剖学** (入学后5年内)
  • 一学期生理学** (入学后5年内)
    • **也接受:A&pi, a&p2序列
  • 三学期生物科学 - 选修课程包括普通生物学I和II, 遗传学, 细胞生物学, 免疫学, 内分泌学, 或其他与医学相关的高级生物科学.
  • 四学期化学 - 建议的课程包括普通化学I和II, 无机化学, 生物化学, 有机化学. 高度推荐高年级课程.
  • 两个学期 - 建议的课程选择包括普通心理学, 发展心理学, 寿命心理学, 变态心理学
  • 〇一学期统计 任何学科
  • 在PA教育中获得成功的其他强烈推荐课程: pathophysiology, medical terminology, epidemiology, pharmacology, foreign langu年龄
  • 关于必修课程的其他信息:
    • Competitive candidates will have completed biological science and chemistry coursework designed for science majors.
    • Survey courses may not provide the depth and rigor needed for success in PA education.
    • Coursework is accepted 从 community colleges and through regionally accredited four year institutions.
    • Labs are highly suggested for coursework in biological science and chemistry.
    • Completion of biological science and chemistry prerequisites within the last 5 years is preferred.
    • 所有的先决条件课程必须以“C”或更高的成绩完成. 请注意,“C-”将不被接受.
    • 普通心理学也接受AP课程, 普通生物学I, 普通化学I和统计学. AP课程必须在CASPA中列出,并包括在大学成绩单上.
    • 博天堂官方入口登陆登录MSPAS项目 不接受转学生 or transfer credits for any required course in physician assistant studies. Students accepted into the program must complete all required physician assistant courses. 在任何情况下都不允许先修课程, 包括之前的学术研究或专业经验. 只有全日制学生才被录取. 


此工作表仅供规划之用. 不需要提交工作表.


博天堂官方入口登陆登录MSPAS项目 不接受转学生 or transfer credits for any required course in physician assistant studies. Student accepted into the program must complete all required physician assistant courses. 在任何情况下都不允许先修课程, 包括之前的学术研究或专业经验. 只有全日制学生才被录取.


  • 验证CASPA 应用程序: 10月1日到期
  • 三封推荐信: 最好是大学老师, a supervisor 从 a work or volunteer clinical experience and a health care professional such as PA, NP, MD或DO. 推荐信必须通过CASPA提交.  所有提交的信件都将被考虑.
  • 官方分数 报告 一个 下列考试中:
    • 官方GRE成绩报告 直接提交给CASPA(代码0409). 只有发送到CASPA的分数才会被考虑. 将使用最新的GRE成绩. GRE考试必须在最近5年内参加才有效.  没有最低分数要求.
    • 官方PA-CAT评分报告 直接提交给博天堂官方入口登陆登录(代码WI4902). 将使用最新的PA-CAT分数. PA-CAT考试必须在最近5年内参加才有效. 没有最低分数要求. 
  • 博天堂官方入口登陆登录补助$50.00费: A supplemental fee waiver is offered to candidates that received a CASPA fee waiver or are McNair Scholarship recipients. 请将这些文件提供给招生办公室,地址是 painfo@franquiciamania.net
  • 学士学位: A baccalaureate degree must be awarded 从 an accredited institution prior to matriculation.
  • 平均绩点: CASPA计算的累积绩点和理科绩点为3.如果是4,0或更大.0规模.
  • 病人护理经验: 需要至少500小时的直接病人护理经验. 有医学抄写员的经验, a student in training or in observation will not be accepted as patient care experience.
  • 个人助理专业知识: It is important that candidates fully understand the role of a physician assistant. Although this understanding can be obtained in many ways, time spent shadowing is highly regarded.


PA项目的选拔过程竞争非常激烈. 每个申请都是根据个人优点进行评估的. The submitted materials will be used to evaluate applicants for potential success in the program based on:

  • 证明的学习成绩和潜力
  • 具有私人助理专业知识
  • 工作、社区服务等经验
  • 推荐信
  • 个人陈述和论文.
Personal interviews are offered to the most qualified applicants and will aid the committee in assessing a variety of non-cognitive factors, 包括人际交往能力, 个人的成熟, 动机, 以及生活经历. 申请人如不进行个人面试,恕不接受.

Invitations for admission will be extended to applicants who appear to be the most highly qualified to meet the mission and goals of the program.

Students need not have received their bachelor's degree 从 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 但符合条件的学生将获得额外的录取考虑.

对多样性有承诺的人, 为有需要的人改善医疗保健的经验, 表现出领导能力和服务活动, 克服教育(文化)障碍, 家庭的例子), and demonstrated outstanding accomplishment in non-curricular activities will also receive additional admission consideration.

Any student accepted for admission to the program must have official college transcripts documenting completion of all requirements sent directly to 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 prior to matriculation.

被录取的学生必须完成健康检查, 更新后的免疫接种, 肺结核筛查按目前 美国疾病控制与预防中心 对卫生专业人员的建议, 犯罪背景调查, 根据实习地点的要求进行药物筛选. Exceptions to the immunization requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis where, 例如, 学生对疫苗或疫苗成分过敏. 如果批准了免疫要求的例外情况, the University cannot guarantee that its affiliated hospitals and clinics will allow the student to participate in patient care, which is a fundamental requirement of the clinical education comp一个nt of the program.

国际 applicants and those who graduated 从 a non-US 学院或大学 must provide the following in addition to the above materials:

  • Documented completion of baccalaureate degree 从 accredited institution or equivalent via an international credit evaluation sent directly to CASPA with an unofficial copy send to 博天堂官方入口登陆登录.
  • 英语水平证明. 请参考 英语水平要求.
  • 公民身份证明,美国永久居民.S. 签证或适合留学的签证
  • 经济资助声明书


  • Three (3) hours of English composition is required at a US or Canadian 学院或大学 if the initial education was not taken at an English-speaking university
  • All non-Canadian international graduates must provide transcripts reflecting a minimum of 20 hours of natural sciences taken at an accredited U.S. 学院或大学. 这些时间必须包括完整的解剖序列 & 生理学和微生物学.

看到 博天堂官方入口登陆登录博天堂官方入口登陆登录办公室 有关国际招生的更多信息.


有问题可以直接问 PAinfo@franquiciamania.net.